Essential Guide To Narrative Text Writing Techniques


What are the different types of writing styles used in narrative texts?

Narrative texts are written to tell a story. They can be fiction or nonfiction, and they can be written in a variety of styles. Some of the most common types of writing styles used in narrative texts include:

  • First-person: The narrator tells the story from their own perspective, using the pronouns "I" and "me."
  • Second-person: The narrator tells the story to the reader, using the pronoun "you."
  • Third-person limited: The narrator tells the story from the perspective of a single character, using the pronouns "he," "she," and "they."
  • Third-person omniscient: The narrator tells the story from the perspective of an all-knowing observer, using the pronouns "he," "she," and "they."

The type of writing style that you use in your narrative text will depend on the story that you are telling and the effect that you want to create. First-person narration can be used to create a sense of intimacy and immediacy, while third-person narration can be used to create a sense of distance and objectivity.

No matter what type of writing style you choose, it is important to be consistent throughout your narrative text. This will help to create a cohesive and unified story.

The essential aspects of narrative writing

Narrative writing is a form of writing that tells a story. It can be fiction or non-fiction, and it can be written in a variety of styles. Some of the key aspects of narrative writing include:

  • Plot: The sequence of events that make up the story.
  • Characters: The people or animals who participate in the story.
  • Setting: The time and place where the story takes place.
  • Theme: The central message or idea of the story.
  • Point of view: The perspective from which the story is told.
  • Style: The way in which the story is written.
  • Structure: The way in which the story is organized.

These key aspects are all essential to creating a successful narrative. By understanding and mastering these aspects, writers can create stories that are engaging, entertaining, and thought-provoking.


Plot is one of the most important elements of narrative writing. It is the sequence of events that make up the story, and it is what drives the story forward and keeps readers engaged. A well-crafted plot will have a clear beginning, middle, and end, and it will keep readers guessing what will happen next.

  • Exposition: The exposition is the beginning of the story, and it introduces the setting, characters, and conflict.
  • Rising action: The rising action is the middle of the story, and it builds up to the climax.
  • Climax: The climax is the turning point of the story, and it is where the conflict is resolved.
  • Falling action: The falling action is the end of the story, and it wraps up the loose ends and resolves any remaining conflicts.

Plot is essential to narrative writing because it provides the structure and framework for the story. Without a plot, a story would be A well-crafted plot will keep readers engaged and entertained from beginning to end.


Characters are one of the most important elements of narrative writing. They are the people or animals who participate in the story, and they are what drive the plot forward. Without characters, there would be no story.

  • Protagonist: The protagonist is the main character of the story. They are the one who drives the plot forward and who the reader is most likely to identify with.
  • Antagonist: The antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist. They are the one who creates conflict and who tries to stop the protagonist from achieving their goals.
  • Supporting characters: Supporting characters are characters who play a supporting role in the story. They can help the protagonist or the antagonist, or they can simply provide comic relief.

Characters are essential to narrative writing because they provide the story with conflict and drama. Without characters, there would be no story.


Setting is one of the most important elements of narrative writing. It is the time and place where the story takes place, and it can have a significant impact on the plot, characters, and theme. When creating a setting, writers must consider the following factors:

  • Time period: The time period in which the story takes place can have a significant impact on the plot and characters. For example, a story set in the past may have different social norms and values than a story set in the present day.
  • Location: The location of the story can also have a significant impact on the plot and characters. For example, a story set in a rural area may have different themes and conflicts than a story set in an urban area.
  • Physical environment: The physical environment of the story can also have a significant impact on the plot and characters. For example, a story set in a cold climate may have different themes and conflicts than a story set in a warm climate.
  • Social and cultural context: The social and cultural context of the story can also have a significant impact on the plot and characters. For example, a story set in a patriarchal society may have different themes and conflicts than a story set in a matriarchal society.

Setting is an essential element of narrative writing. It provides the context for the story and helps to create a believable and immersive world for the reader. By carefully considering the setting of their story, writers can create a more engaging and impactful narrative.


Theme is one of the most important elements of narrative writing. It is the central message or idea that the author wants to convey to the reader. A well-crafted theme will resonate with readers on a deep level and will stay with them long after they have finished reading the story.

Theme is closely connected to "cuáles son las escrituras de los textos narrativos" because it is the underlying message that the author is trying to communicate through the story. The plot, characters, setting, and all other elements of the story should work together to support the theme.

For example, in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the theme is the importance of justice and equality. This theme is explored through the story of Atticus Finch, a lawyer who defends a black man accused of a crime that he did not commit. The novel shows how Atticus's courage and determination in the face of adversity can inspire others to stand up for what is right.

Theme is an essential element of narrative writing because it gives the story meaning and purpose. It is what makes a story more than just a collection of events. By understanding the theme of a story, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the author's message and the world around them.

Point of view

Point of view is one of the most important elements of narrative writing. It is the perspective from which the story is told, and it can have a significant impact on the plot, characters, and theme. When choosing a point of view, writers must consider the following factors:

  • Omniscient point of view: The omniscient point of view allows the narrator to see into the minds of all the characters and to tell the story from any perspective. This point of view can be used to create a sense of distance and objectivity, or it can be used to create a sense of intimacy and immediacy.
  • First-person point of view: The first-person point of view tells the story from the perspective of a single character. This point of view can be used to create a sense of intimacy and immediacy, or it can be used to create a sense of suspense and mystery.
  • Third-person point of view: The third-person point of view tells the story from the perspective of an outside observer. This point of view can be used to create a sense of objectivity and distance, or it can be used to create a sense of omniscience and control.

The point of view that a writer chooses will have a significant impact on the story that they tell. By carefully considering the point of view, writers can create a more engaging and impactful narrative.

For example, in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the story is told from the first-person point of view of Scout Finch. This point of view allows the reader to see the world through Scout's eyes and to experience the events of the story from her perspective. This point of view helps to create a sense of intimacy and immediacy, and it allows the reader to connect with Scout on a personal level.

Point of view is an essential element of narrative writing. It is a powerful tool that writers can use to create different effects and to tell different kinds of stories. By understanding the different points of view and how to use them effectively, writers can create more engaging and impactful narratives.


Style is one of the most important elements of narrative writing. It is the way in which the story is written, and it can have a significant impact on the plot, characters, setting, theme, and point of view. When choosing a style, writers must consider the following factors:

  • Voice: The voice of a story is the unique personality of the narrator. It is what makes the story sound like it is being told by a particular person, and it can be used to create a sense of intimacy, immediacy, or distance.
  • Tone: The tone of a story is the emotional atmosphere that the writer creates. It can be serious, humorous, ironic, or anything in between, and it can be used to create a specific mood or effect.
  • Language: The language of a story is the words that the writer uses to tell the story. It can be simple or complex, formal or informal, and it can be used to create a specific atmosphere or effect.
  • Structure: The structure of a story is the way in which the events of the story are organized. It can be linear or non-linear, and it can be used to create a sense of suspense, mystery, or surprise.

The style that a writer chooses will have a significant impact on the story that they tell. By carefully considering the style, writers can create a more engaging and impactful narrative.

For example, in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the style is simple and direct. This style helps to create a sense of intimacy and immediacy, and it allows the reader to connect with the characters on a personal level. The novel's tone is also serious and reflective, which helps to create a sense of suspense and mystery.

Style is an essential element of narrative writing. It is a powerful tool that writers can use to create different effects and to tell different kinds of stories. By understanding the different elements of style and how to use them effectively, writers can create more engaging and impactful narratives.


Structure is one of the most important elements of narrative writing. It is the way in which the events of the story are organized, and it can have a significant impact on the plot, characters, setting, theme, and point of view. When choosing a structure, writers must consider the following factors:

  • Linear structure: The linear structure is the most common type of structure. It tells the story in a chronological order, from beginning to end. This structure is easy to follow and understand, and it can be used to create a sense of suspense and momentum.
  • Non-linear structure: The non-linear structure tells the story in a non-chronological order. This structure can be used to create a sense of mystery and surprise, and it can be used to explore different aspects of the story from different perspectives.

The structure that a writer chooses will have a significant impact on the story that they tell. By carefully considering the structure, writers can create a more engaging and impactful narrative.

For example, in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the story is told in a linear structure. This structure helps to create a sense of suspense and momentum, and it allows the reader to follow the events of the story easily. However, the novel also uses flashbacks to explore different aspects of the story from different perspectives. These flashbacks help to create a sense of mystery and surprise, and they allow the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the characters and their motivations.

Structure is an essential element of narrative writing. It is a powerful tool that writers can use to create different effects and to tell different kinds of stories. By understanding the different types of structures and how to use them effectively, writers can create more engaging and impactful narratives.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section addresses common questions or misconceptions regarding "cules son las escrituras de los textos narrativos.

Question 1: What are the different types of writing styles used in narrative texts?

There are four main types of writing styles used in narrative texts: first-person, second-person, third-person limited, and third-person omniscient.

Question 2: What is the purpose of using different writing styles in narrative texts?

Different writing styles can be used to achieve different effects in narrative texts. For example, first-person narration can create a sense of intimacy and immediacy, while third-person narration can create a sense of distance and objectivity.

Question 3: What are the key elements of narrative writing?

The key elements of narrative writing include plot, characters, setting, theme, point of view, style, and structure.

Question 4: What is the difference between plot and theme?

Plot is the sequence of events that make up the story, while theme is the central message or idea that the author wants to convey to the reader.

Question 5: How does point of view affect the narrative?

Point of view is the perspective from which the story is told, and it can have a significant impact on the plot, characters, and theme. For example, first-person narration can create a sense of intimacy and immediacy, while third-person narration can create a sense of distance and objectivity.

Question 6: What is the purpose of using different structures in narrative texts?

Different structures can be used to achieve different effects in narrative texts. For example, a linear structure can create a sense of suspense and momentum, while a non-linear structure can create a sense of mystery and surprise.

Summary: Understanding the different elements of narrative writing and how to use them effectively is essential for creating engaging and impactful stories.

Transition: This concludes the frequently asked questions section. For further exploration, refer to the next article section.


This article has explored the different types of writing styles used in narrative texts, the key elements of narrative writing, and the importance of structure in narrative writing. By understanding these elements and how to use them effectively, writers can create engaging and impactful stories that resonate with readers.

Narrative writing is a powerful tool that can be used to entertain, educate, and inspire. By understanding the different elements of narrative writing, writers can harness the power of storytelling to create meaningful and lasting works of art.

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