Importance Of "spark.executor.instances Num Executor" For Optimal Apache Spark Performance


What is "spark.executor.instances num executor"?

In Apache Spark, "spark.executor.instances" is a configuration property that specifies the number of executor instances to be launched for each Spark application. An executor is a process that runs on a worker node and is responsible for executing tasks. The number of executor instances can have a significant impact on the performance of a Spark application.

If the number of executor instances is too low, the application may not be able to fully utilize the available resources on the worker nodes. This can lead to underutilization of resources and decreased performance. On the other hand, if the number of executor instances is too high, the application may run into resource contention issues, which can also lead to decreased performance.

The optimal number of executor instances for a Spark application will vary depending on the specific application and the available resources. However, a good starting point is to set the number of executor instances to be equal to the number of cores on each worker node.

Here is an example of how to set the "spark.executor.instances" property in a Spark application:

This will launch four executor instances for the Spark application.

spark.executor.instances num executor

The "spark.executor.instances" configuration property in Apache Spark specifies the number of executor instances to be launched for each Spark application. These executor instances are responsible for executing tasks on worker nodes. The number of executor instances can have a significant impact on the performance of a Spark application.

  • Number of cores: The number of executor instances should be set to be equal to the number of cores on each worker node.
  • Memory: The amount of memory allocated to each executor instance should be set to be at least twice the size of the largest RDD partition.
  • Locality: The executor instances should be launched on the same nodes as the data that they are processing.
  • Resource utilization: The number of executor instances should be set to be high enough to fully utilize the available resources on the worker nodes.
  • Resource contention: The number of executor instances should not be set to be too high, as this can lead to resource contention issues.
  • Performance: The optimal number of executor instances for a Spark application will vary depending on the specific application and the available resources.

By considering these factors, you can set the "spark.executor.instances" property to optimize the performance of your Spark applications.

Number of cores

The number of executor instances should be set to be equal to the number of cores on each worker node because each executor instance runs on a single core. If there are more executor instances than cores, then some of the executor instances will be idle, which can waste resources. Conversely, if there are fewer executor instances than cores, then some of the cores will be idle, which can also waste resources.

For example, if each worker node has 4 cores, then you should set the "spark.executor.instances" property to 4. This will ensure that each executor instance has its own dedicated core, which will maximize the utilization of resources and improve the performance of your Spark application.

Setting the "spark.executor.instances" property to be equal to the number of cores on each worker node is a good starting point. However, you may need to adjust this number depending on the specific application and the available resources.


The amount of memory allocated to each executor instance should be set to be at least twice the size of the largest RDD partition because each executor instance needs to have enough memory to store the data that it is processing. If the executor instance does not have enough memory, then it will spill data to disk, which can significantly slow down the performance of the Spark application.

  • Facet 1: Performance

    Setting the amount of memory allocated to each executor instance to be at least twice the size of the largest RDD partition can improve the performance of a Spark application by reducing the amount of data that is spilled to disk.

  • Facet 2: Resource utilization

    Setting the amount of memory allocated to each executor instance to be at least twice the size of the largest RDD partition can also improve the resource utilization of a Spark application by reducing the amount of memory that is wasted.

  • Facet 3: Scalability

    Setting the amount of memory allocated to each executor instance to be at least twice the size of the largest RDD partition can improve the scalability of a Spark application by ensuring that each executor instance has enough memory to process its data.

  • Facet 4: Cost

    Setting the amount of memory allocated to each executor instance to be at least twice the size of the largest RDD partition can increase the cost of a Spark application by requiring more memory resources.

Overall, setting the amount of memory allocated to each executor instance to be at least twice the size of the largest RDD partition is a good way to improve the performance, resource utilization, and scalability of a Spark application. However, it is important to consider the cost implications of this setting.


In Apache Spark, data locality is the concept of placing data and computation close together to minimize data movement and improve performance. When executor instances are launched on the same nodes as the data that they are processing, it reduces the amount of time that is spent transferring data over the network, which can significantly improve the performance of a Spark application.

  • Facet 1: Performance

    Launching executor instances on the same nodes as the data that they are processing can improve the performance of a Spark application by reducing the amount of time that is spent transferring data over the network. This is because data locality reduces the latency and bandwidth requirements for data transfers, which can lead to significant performance improvements, especially for large datasets.

  • Facet 2: Resource utilization

    Launching executor instances on the same nodes as the data that they are processing can also improve the resource utilization of a Spark application. This is because data locality reduces the amount of network traffic, which can free up network resources for other tasks. Additionally, data locality can reduce the amount of time that executor instances spend waiting for data to be transferred, which can improve the overall utilization of executor resources.

  • Facet 3: Cost

    Launching executor instances on the same nodes as the data that they are processing can also reduce the cost of a Spark application. This is because data locality reduces the amount of data that is transferred over the network, which can reduce the cost of network bandwidth. Additionally, data locality can reduce the amount of time that executor instances spend waiting for data to be transferred, which can reduce the cost of executor resources.

Overall, launching executor instances on the same nodes as the data that they are processing is a good way to improve the performance, resource utilization, and cost of a Spark application. However, it is important to note that data locality is not always possible to achieve, especially for large datasets or for applications that require data to be processed on multiple nodes.

Resource utilization

In Apache Spark, resource utilization is the concept of using the available resources on a cluster efficiently to maximize performance. One important aspect of resource utilization is ensuring that the number of executor instances is set to be high enough to fully utilize the available resources on the worker nodes.

  • Facet 1: Performance

    Setting the number of executor instances to be high enough to fully utilize the available resources on the worker nodes can improve the performance of a Spark application by reducing the amount of time that executor instances spend waiting for resources to become available. This is because each executor instance can process data in parallel, so having more executor instances can help to reduce the overall execution time of a Spark application.

  • Facet 2: Cost

    Setting the number of executor instances to be high enough to fully utilize the available resources on the worker nodes can also reduce the cost of a Spark application by reducing the amount of time that the application spends running. This is because the cost of a Spark application is typically based on the amount of time that the application runs, so reducing the execution time can reduce the cost.

  • Facet 3: Scalability

    Setting the number of executor instances to be high enough to fully utilize the available resources on the worker nodes can also improve the scalability of a Spark application. This is because adding more worker nodes to a cluster will increase the number of resources available to the application, and setting the number of executor instances to be high enough to fully utilize these resources will ensure that the application can scale up to take advantage of the additional resources.

Overall, setting the number of executor instances to be high enough to fully utilize the available resources on the worker nodes is a good way to improve the performance, cost, and scalability of a Spark application. However, it is important to note that setting the number of executor instances too high can also lead to resource contention issues, so it is important to find the right balance for the specific application and cluster.

Resource contention

In Apache Spark, resource contention occurs when multiple tasks compete for the same resources, such as CPU, memory, or network bandwidth. This can lead to performance problems, as tasks may have to wait for resources to become available before they can execute. One common cause of resource contention is setting the number of executor instances too high.

  • Facet 1: Performance

    Setting the number of executor instances too high can lead to performance problems due to resource contention. This is because each executor instance requires resources to run, such as CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. If there are too many executor instances running on a single node, they may compete for these resources, which can slow down the execution of tasks.

  • Facet 2: Scalability

    Setting the number of executor instances too high can also limit the scalability of a Spark application. This is because each executor instance requires resources to run, and if there are too many executor instances running on a single node, it may not be possible to add more executor instances to the application without running into resource contention issues.

  • Facet 3: Cost

    Setting the number of executor instances too high can also increase the cost of running a Spark application. This is because each executor instance requires resources to run, and if there are too many executor instances running on a single node, it may be necessary to purchase more resources to avoid running into resource contention issues.

Overall, it is important to carefully consider the number of executor instances to use in a Spark application. Setting the number of executor instances too high can lead to resource contention, which can impact performance, scalability, and cost. It is generally recommended to start with a small number of executor instances and then increase the number as needed to avoid resource contention issues.


The optimal number of executor instances for a Spark application will vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of the dataset, the complexity of the computation, and the available resources. In general, it is recommended to start with a small number of executor instances and then increase the number as needed to avoid resource contention issues.

  • Facet 1: Dataset size

    The size of the dataset can have a significant impact on the number of executor instances that are needed. For large datasets, it is typically necessary to use more executor instances in order to process the data in a reasonable amount of time.

  • Facet 2: Computation complexity

    The complexity of the computation can also affect the number of executor instances that are needed. For complex computations, it is typically necessary to use more executor instances in order to provide enough resources for the computation.

  • Facet 3: Available resources

    The number of available resources can also affect the number of executor instances that are needed. If there are a limited number of resources available, it may be necessary to use fewer executor instances in order to avoid overloading the system.

By considering these factors, it is possible to determine the optimal number of executor instances for a Spark application. It is important to note that the optimal number of executor instances may vary over time, as the dataset size, computation complexity, and available resources change.

FAQs on "spark.executor.instances num executor"

Question 1: What is "spark.executor.instances num executor"?

Answer: The "spark.executor.instances" configuration property in Apache Spark specifies the number of executor instances to be launched for each Spark application. These executor instances are responsible for executing tasks on worker nodes.

Question 2: How does the number of executor instances affect the performance of a Spark application?

Answer: The number of executor instances can have a significant impact on the performance of a Spark application. If the number of executor instances is too low, the application may not be able to fully utilize the available resources on the worker nodes. This can lead to underutilization of resources and decreased performance. On the other hand, if the number of executor instances is too high, the application may run into resource contention issues, which can also lead to decreased performance.

Question 3: What factors should be considered when setting the number of executor instances?

Answer: The following factors should be considered when setting the number of executor instances:

Number of cores on each worker node Amount of memory allocated to each executor instance Locality of the data Resource utilization Resource contention Performance

Question 4: What is the optimal number of executor instances for a Spark application?

Answer: The optimal number of executor instances for a Spark application will vary depending on the specific application and the available resources. In general, it is recommended to start with a small number of executor instances and then increase the number as needed to avoid resource contention issues.

Question 5: What are the consequences of setting the number of executor instances too high or too low?

Answer: Setting the number of executor instances too high can lead to resource contention issues, which can impact performance, scalability, and cost. Setting the number of executor instances too low can lead to underutilization of resources and decreased performance.

Question 6: How can I monitor the performance of my Spark application and adjust the number of executor instances accordingly?

Answer: You can use the Spark web UI to monitor the performance of your Spark application and adjust the number of executor instances accordingly. The Spark web UI provides information about the number of tasks running, the amount of memory and CPU being used, and the amount of time spent in different stages of the job execution process.


In this article, we have explored the "spark.executor.instances" configuration property in Apache Spark. We have discussed the importance of setting the correct number of executor instances for a Spark application, and we have provided some guidelines on how to determine the optimal number of executor instances for a given application. We have also discussed the consequences of setting the number of executor instances too high or too low.

Setting the correct number of executor instances is a critical factor in optimizing the performance of a Spark application. By following the guidelines in this article, you can ensure that your Spark applications are running at peak performance.

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